Great White Shark Photos & Videos
Shark Videos
Airjaws Tour (Short version)
The AIRJAWS tour is the most popular trip at African Shark Eco Charters. It's approx 5.5hrs long trip and ventures out to Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa. It is a combination trip of shark breaching and cage diving in one trip.
This footage was shot on our boat by Rob Lawrence and Ricardo Lacombe, a guest who came on our trip and fell head over heels in love with the great whites. Thank you Ricardo.
The Magic of False Bay
True passion is when you take what you love and turn it into your work. This is how African Shark Eco-Charters was born...and we want to share this with you. Enjoy the magic of False Bay, from sunrise to sunset, from sharks to dolphins to whales, and join us to share the beauty of the natural world.
GoPro Great White Shark Experience
Take shark legend Rob Lawrence and Divemaster Gary Carstens, add a bunch of GoPro cameras - and head out to False Bay, South Africa with the crew of African Shark Eco-Charters, to see the magnificent Great White Shark in it's natural environment. All footage shot entirely on GoPro cameras.