POPI – Protection of Personal Information

Privacy Policy

African Shark Eco-Charters (ASEC) is committed to respecting the privacy of our visitors and clients, and protecting their data. We aim to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR). We will never share, sell, trade or otherwise give away any information about our customers, except if required to do so by law.

Our website uses cookies and may track the IP address, browser choice and location of our users, but not their identity. This is done for statistical reporting purposes and site traffic analysis. The only personal data we receive are those supplied voluntarily by our customers. We do not obtain any personal data without the user’s consent. Personal details and email addresses received through completing our online booking form are stored securely and only used by ASEC in the process of arranging tours, making reservations, and communicating directly with our clients. Completing our online enquiry form is deemed to be a clear, affirmative action to signify the user’s intent and desire to receive communication from us. Such communication may be conducted via email or by phone, and may include emails with general information, quotes, proposals, marketing material or occasional newsletters. Should the user no longer wish to receive any communication from us, the user can simply unsubscribe. We do not contact anyone without their express consent.

A user may subscribe to our mailing list via the Newsletter Signup button on our website. The signup procedure requires a double opt in to aviod malicious or accidental subscriptions. This means the user has to confirm their subscription by clicking a verification link in the welcome email sent to their email address, in order to successfully subscribe to our mailing list. For monthly newsletters, we use a third party mailing list provider. All email newsletters have a one-click unsubscribe button for your convenience, should a user not wish to receive further newsletters and special offers from us. Previously unsubscribed email addresses cannot be added to our mailing list again. We are opposed to spam in any form.

Payment Security

Credit Card payments are processed in real time on a Activity Bridge third party server. We do not see or store any credit card details. All credit card and banking transactions are handled with utmost confidentiality using secure methods of communication. All online credit card transactions are processed in a secure, PCI-DSS compliant third party environment. We actively fight chargebacks and credit card fraud, and will co-operate fully with banks or investigating authorities in the event of suspected fraudulent activity.

All customers are asked to complete a booking form upon making a booking through us. The booking form captures the necessary personal details we need such as names, contact details, and other essential information that is needed in order for us to book and conduct their tour. No credit card details are captured on the booking form. The signed booking form also doubles as an indemnity form, and is securely saved in the client’s folder on our secure cloud storage facility. No printed copies are made or kept. In the event that printed sensitive data has to be disposed of, such paperwork is destroyed by means of a shredder. All reasonable care is taken to ensure that no customer data or personal details are accidentally shared or compromised in any way.

Any questions or concerns can be directed in writing to our owner, Karen Lawrence at email af***********************@ul**************.com