The Pacific Sleeper Shark…
is of the Somniosidae family of shark, which include the giant Greenland Shark. Commonly called “Sleeper Sharks” due to their slow swimming and non-aggressive natures, these sharks have a familiarly look. The Pacific Sleeper Shark is the smallest of the family group, reaching an average size of 3.5 meters (12 feet) while it’s other family members can and do grown well beyond that 7 meters (23 feet) in length! They boast a rounded snout and grey-black skin which is rough to the touch, they have an almost torpedo shape body with low dorsal fins.
Being Deep Swimmers…
not much is known about these interesting sharks. It has been recorded though that they enjoy a diet of pacific octopus, sole, Pollock, flounder, tuna and teleost fish. This slow moving shark’s diet is generally determined on where it may find itself and the ease with which it can “catch” its dinner and so when available, will also feast on hermit crab, rockfish, marine snails, squid, pacific salmon and shrimp. The Pacific Sleeper is more a scavenger as opposed to a hunter; they are really slow swimmers, so unless their prey is slower than they are, or dead, they wouldn’t eat, despite having one of the most powerful bites of any shark ever studied! Also, because food sources are limited, they can store food for long periods of time, a little like having their very own on-board pantry.
Avoiding the light, the Pacific Sleeper Shark prefers to be found at some 2000 meter depths in colder waters
Come Shark Cage Diving in False Bay
We would love to have you join us as we visit another member of the shark family in False Bay; the Great White Shark which breaches in False Bay, more than anywhere else on earth!
Till we meet again, keep that toothy grin!
By Nadine Bentley