There was space and we were going shark cage diving
It was all very last minute, by 17h00 the day before we took the two last available spots on the boat! This was an unexpected and pleasant surprise, with the fact that there is very seldom space available so close to a dive, but there had been a last minute cancellation.
The excitement was pliable; my husband was like a little boy on Christmas Eve! He went on a shopping spree, gearing himself up to “look the part” with shark t-shirts, motion sickness tablets and underwater cameras! He wanted to set the alarm for 04h00 in the morning, when we only had to be at the pier at “06h40 sharp”, keeping in mind, we live all of 15 mins WALK from the pier! “We can’t be late, we can’t miss the boat!” Was his reasoning, so I humoured him, as all good wives do. Every hour on the hour, he awoke with the question; “is it time yet?” on his lips. In fairness, I make it sound like it was only him, but I was just as excited, but managed to keep mine a little more in check, reminding myself all the while, that we are going to visit wild animals in their environment, and not zoo animals that are pretty much guaranteed of being there, the sharks compound is somewhat larger than the enclosures at zoos! “Come hoping as opposed to expecting!” Started sounding like a mantra and not just the advice I give guests!
Motion sickness tablets…check
Eventually an end came to the longest night ever, and we were up! We fed animals (ours) we showered and dressed, in all our new shark regalia, and we spoke excitedly about what we were hoping to see! Motion sickness tablets and before the trip photos taken and we were off!
We arrived at the pier at 06h35, and amazingly enough, we were not the first. We were met by Leigh’s smiling face, and after introductions were made, we made our way to the bottom of the pier, where the Blue Pointer 2 awaited us! This was going to be the mode of transportation to a face to face with the Apex predator of the oceans! The king of the seas! We couldn’t wait to get started! The trip was really happening, we were going shark cage diving!
We waited patiently as the last guests pulled up, to embark, then after taking a quick look about the boat, we decided to settle up top on the deck, only ‘cos I wasn’t allowed to sit on the bow holding on to the front rails! Of course, I couldn’t do that, safety first, and besides what was this, the Titanic, and who am I, Kate Winslet? Not…
Our shark cage dive adventure had truly begun!
We were joined on the top look out deck by a young lady and her aunt, whom we later found out, was the “fun” aunt the one that went along on all the 16 year olds adrenaline fuelled adventures!
My hubby was telling anyone who would listen that he was “the king of the world” while holding onto the safety rails with a firm grip. The trip to Seal Island took us about 30 uneventful minutes, which when in the middle of the ocean, is the way you want it, uneventful.
65 to 75 thousand Cape Fur Seals
If given time to think about things logically, one would eventually come to the truth, that since this is a rock of approximately 5 acres in size, and home to between 65 and 75 thousand Cape Fur Seals there is going to be a rather rank smell that will emanate from said rock! Fortunately, our skipper, Shark Legend Rob Lawrence settled us down wind, so we only had to deal with it on the way in and the way out.
Some folk got suited up in the clean and dry wetsuits made available, while the crew prepared the cage and started with the ritual which brings the sharks around the boat. This includes baiting with a tune head, trailing the decoy and banging on the boat to create some noise to attract these inquisitive creatures. They scented the water with the tuna heads’ fluids and worked tirelessly to bring these magnificent creatures to our boat! It was happening, soon now we would be going into the cage and getting up close and personal with Great White Sharks!
I had it all worked out, once the first group went into the cage, then Richard and I would get changed into the wetsuits and await our turn, and so our wait began. All eyes focused with steely gaze at the ocean and any movement. We looked at the seals being rather battered on the island as they came on and off the rock. Lone cubs, were of specific interest, as these are easy prey for the Great Whites. The more we searched the seas, and the longer we hoped, the further the possibility of seeing one moved. After about an hour, sun beating down, and reflecting up from the sea, I saw movement. Could this be it, the start? The longer and harder I looked, the more obvious it became that what I was seeing was not a Great White Shark at all, but rather a pod of common dolphins. I would gladly have followed these beautiful creatures as they frolicked in the waters, but we were not here for them. The crew continued baiting, banging and scenting the water, but it seemed today was not going to be our day.
The crew worked endlessly to bring the sharks to the boat
ASEC crew did not stop, they did not give up trying, Leigh came around and spoke to everyone, answering any questions we may have had, and Rob also came to discuss the “non-events” of the morning, he explained that we would wait another hour and a half before heading back to shore. They certainly gave it all they had in an attempt to make this experience a reality!
An hour and a half later, we pulled up anchor for the third time while at Seal Island, but this time with the express purpose of returning to the harbour, another 35 mins trip back.
Today was not our day, not our day for shark cage diving anyway. The trip was great, I had loads of fun on the boat, it was amazing being at Seal Island, and seeing the two pods of dolphins, though we didn’t get very close, was also lovely. Something I constantly tell our guests, is to remember that we are dealing with wild animals, so predicting whether they will be there or not is not possible, and that we are to go hoping as opposed to expecting, but even so, that hope is there and it is sad when your hopes are not materialised, with no fault to the crew. So I’ve now pinned my hopes on the next time…oh yes, there will most certainly be a next time!
Nadine Bentley